100 Days of Code

Pontakorn Paesaeng (@pontakornth)

Google App Engine Test

Let break from the frontend development for a day. Today, I want to study how to use Google App Engine. I never actually tried to use the severless solution before. It is not "No server required". It is "No server for you to manage". If something happens, it's not your duty to deal with it. ...more

Expense Tracker (Refactor and Functionality)

On yesterday, I wrote a messy code and have lots of duplicate logic and style. So, I need to refactor to seperate complex components into a lots of simple components. For example, a big form can be refactor like this. ...more

Expense Tracker (Layout)

This time, I use React because I want to know about managing data in React. It's difficult. The styling methods is twin.macro and goober. I had to argue with TypeScript about typing. But, I think it worths knowing. Because, I will need to deal with custome type in the future. ...more

100 Days Blog Improved

I don't have much enegy just like the yesterday. I intended to do a coin flip with rotation but it turns out to be more complicated than I think. I think I can finish it tomorrow or later. Today, I have a meeting and the application just freeze. I had no idea that it's frozen and I just wait people to answer my question. ...more

Basic Login Form

I am quite tired today. I don't really have any energy to finish the actual challenge So, I decided to make a simple login form with HTML + CSS (Stylus). Stylus is one of my favorite CSS preprocessor. It feels "Python-ic" to me. I am a Python programmer so I like the similar things. Stylus is newer than SCSS and LESS so it get less (no pun intended) adoption. Tailwind and CSS-in-JS are more popular now. I use WindiCSS, which is based on Tailwind, for this 100 days blog. ...more