Google App Engine Test

Let break from the frontend development for a day. Today, I want to study how to use Google App Engine. I never actually tried to use the severless solution before. It is not "No server required". It is "No server for you to manage". If something happens, it's not your duty to deal with it.

It has potential to be a backend for the expense tracker. But, I need to know more about it. Because a broke student cannot handle the price if something bad happens. The app will remain frontend-only for now. I cannot provide demo link because I am afraid of spammers.

FastAPI seems to be good due to built-in documentation. It is literally named "FastAPI". So, it is really suitable for building API. I haven't learned its usage much because I focus on the Google App Engine today. I love the fact that I can document it in the code. It also has a documentation page built-in. I hope I get to use it more.
