100 Days of Code

Pontakorn Paesaeng (@pontakornth)

CSS Card animation + Announcement

This is not much progress since I have lots of study and works to do. I have some important annoucement about 100 days of code challenge. ...more

CSS Glass Pane

Another CSS art today. Today, I have some assignments to do so I cannot do full hour code. The code in the assignment does not count. It is similar to the working rule in 100 days of code. I use transperancy ant linear gradient to make CSS glass pane. ...more

Ruby Discord Bot

I created a Discord bot with Ruby instead of JavaScript or Python just to see how it would work. It's very interesting. ...more

DEV Mirror (Improvement)

While most of the MVP features are finished on day 24, there are some improvement I can make ...more

DEV Mirror

This is a project that is similar to the cat project I had done before. It is for praticing consistently without worrying about learning too many things at time. Just like the cat project , I use Vite + WindiCSS as a framework. ...more