100 Days Blog
- Day: 2
- Link: https://100days-pontakorn.vercel.app/
Since 100 projects would flood the Contentful blog. So, I decided to do another small blog only for this job. I used Gatsby for the main blog but I used Nuxt content for this blog. Because I want to try new stack. Gatsby becomes difficult to maintain for a simple blog. I need to write GraphQL query just to query and display content. I do like GraphQL but it's overkill for me.
I use Barlow font for this blog at the time I write this post. It's really strange that Pro font is actually free. The another choice would be Bai Jamjuree. I think it's better for Thai content because it looks beautiful. The font is one of the most important things about web design. If you use the default font for a minimal website, it will look incomplete.
Next time, I will make a longer article so the pagination would be required.